Stone of Fun
Are you bored with your toys already? It´s time to go on a stone collecting adventure! Collect different shapes, sizes, colores, and textures. Wash the stones if you take them inside.
Who can make the tallest pile? Can you find the smallest/biggest, lightest/heaviest, roundest/ sharpest stone? Pick three stones and try to find as many ways to balance them as you can.

Draw lines on stones and make new shapes. Can you make roundcube or triangcular circle? Make up your own shapes. Or practice basic shapes with small children.

Practise math! Draw numbers 0–9 on two sets of stones. You’ll also need +, – and =.
Draw the stones’ outlines on paper. Then try to find the right place for each stone. Make the game easier and draw outlines of toys for children under 3 yrs.

Materials: Stones (20 pcs), Paint/pencil to draw on stones, Storage bo, Paper and pen